Formative assessment
Formative assessment gives an insight into the knowledge people possess for taking a test. Formative assessment is most valuable during the development of try-outs. The goal is to monitor student learning to provide feedback. A formative assessment checks the quality of your material. Furthermore, it helps identifying the strengths and weakness of your students. After you’ve taken formative assessment, you’re able to edit whole instruction of your test and the final exam. Formative assessment is a pre-test to find out where you can improve your instruction material.
Summative assessment
Summative assessment is aimed at assessing the extent to which the most important outcomes at the end of the instruction have been reached. But it measures more the effectiveness of learning, reactions on the instruction and the benefits on a long-term base. Depending on the time frame, this process can also be called confirmatory evaluation.
Formative assessment tool
Summative assessment tool |
Formative assessment could be seen as a pre-test and quiz to know what kind of knowledge students have to attend the instruction. Formative assessment is a small test and simple multiple-choice question (with up to 10 answer options), fill in the blanks and writing assignments, a simple drawing, a quiz, or a short conversation with a group of students. | You measure the whole instruction students have been taken. A great way to test this is by taken an exam. An exam allows the creator to track progress and have an insight into the statistics of his or her students.
End-of-term or midterm exams. often conducted through an organized method such as a final examination with pen and paper. |