Model the process of making a prediction. Provide opportunities for students to share predictions as part of the planning process. Encourage students to think for themselves and make predictions based on their unique experiences, thoughts, and opinions.
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The 4 “P”s: Purpose, Preview, Prior Knowledge, and Predict.
Developing the Skill of Predicting
Students are familiar with the concept of a prediction or theory
Model the process of making a prediction (e.g., “I predict that it will rain again tomorrow.”).
Uses students prior knowledge and past experiences to make reasonable predictions about possible outcomes at the beginning of their inquiries
Provide opportunities for students to share predictions as part of the planning process.
Encourage students to think for themselves and make predictions based on their unique experiences, thoughts, and opinions.
Accept and respect students’ predictions, and avoid judging, rewarding, acclaiming, or condemning.
Modify their predictions based on observations and information gained throughout their inquiries
Discuss with students about how and why some predictions are more reasonable than others given the circumstances.
Explain the reasoning behind their predictions
Talk with students about the reasoning behind/justifications for their predictions (e.g., “Why do you think that?”).
Understand that events may or may not turn out as predicted and that people can have different predictions about the same event (e.g., “I thought the boat was going to float, but it did not!”)
Work with students to see that they can learn from both correct and incorrect predictions.
Use the skill of prediction in various learning areas
Work with students to see applications of learning in other areas (e.g., the application of measurement knowledge and skills from mathematics can help students to predict which car will go farthest past the end of the ramp).