Stereotypes are oversimplified perceptions of people based on their characteristics. They are believed to be harmful because they involve making premeditated judgments and biases about others. Common types of stereotypes include gender, race, sexual, social class, (dis)ability, age, nationality, political, and religious stereotypes. Types Of Stereotypes Gender Stereotypes: A gender stereotype is an oversimplified perception … Read More “What are the types of Stereotype- Examples” »
7 Ways to Promote Gender Equality in The Classroom Avoid separating male and female students Not only does separating students within the classroom inhibit male and female students from learning to socialize with each other, but it does not allow for the non-binary student to feel comfortable and seen. So, avoid things like ‘girls vs … Read More “Why Should Teachers Promote Gender Equality at School?” »
Most people are aware of the negative effects of stereotyping in our society, but in the classroom, the impact can be even more harmful. “Stereotype threat” is a phenomenon in which a student’s academic achievement is thwarted by their fear of confirming a negative stereotype about their social group. 4 Ways to Prevent Stereotyping in … Read More “What is a stereotype in the classroom?” »
What alternative would you suggest for ___? What changes would you make to revise___? How would you generate a plan to ___? What could you invent___? Create Create a haiku about a desert animal. Invent Invent a new board game about Industrial Revolution inventors. Compose Compose a new piece of music that includes chords … Read More “Creating Verbs and Question Stems” »
Find Find the errors in the following math problem. Select Select the most appropriate action that you should take against a school bully. Justify your answer. Decide Decide on a meal plan for the next week that includes all the required servings according to the USDA Choose MyPlate nutrition guide. Justify Are the arts an … Read More “Evaluating Verbs and Question Stems” »
Model the process of making a prediction. Provide opportunities for students to share predictions as part of the planning process. Encourage students to think for themselves and make predictions based on their unique experiences, thoughts, and opinions. The 4 “P”s: Purpose, Preview, Prior Knowledge, and Predict. Developing the Skill of Predicting Students are familiar … Read More “How to improve the skill of prediction? What are the 4 Ps of prediction?” »
A fact file has all the important details about a thing or a place, or a person. A fact sheet should preferably be a single page long. The information mentioned in the fact sheet should be brief and concise. Since visual information is easy to grasp, a fact sheet should be visually appealing comprising tables, … Read More “What is a fact file? What are the elements of a fact sheet?” »
Why do Teachers teach students multiple strategies to solve math problems? Teaching students multiple strategies to solve problems and letting students choose the best strategy that works for them. I love it when students can take ownership of a certain way to solve a problem and find success. Teaching students multiple strategies to solve problems … Read More “Multiple Strategies to solve a problem” »
Researchers of programmed learning formulated five principles shown below: According to behaviourist psychology, a learning effect is considered to be measured by the number of responses a learner makes under arranged conditions. Feedback should be given to correct responses in order to “reinforce” such response, and it was thought that such a process would require … Read More “What are the principles of programmed learning?” »
What is programmed Learning? Students use programmed textbooks and a few teaching machines, in a classroom or- organisation. The teacher opens the session by speaking to the whole class. The assignments are made, and the students then go to work. Everyone stays in the room until the teacher signals the end of the study period. … Read More “Principles of programmed Learning” »